My name is Layla and my brother is a doctor at UW and we came with our dog Bazel to one of your trainings a while ago and we had a really, really good time. Right now, I'm a student at Hawthorn CC but I haven't picked a major or anything and I'm still figuring out what I wanna do.
After coming to meet you all with Bazel, I've been thinking a lot and I wondered if you guys had any job openings or knew of any doing similar stuff. I've been reading online and it sounds like I probably want to swtich programs to a more specific certificate thingie for training. Is that right?
So, please, please, please don't get mad or anything but I think I wanna be a dog trainer. Alex and I took Bazel to this thing with these people at this place called project canine and they help people make their dogs therapy dogs and they take the dogs to the hospital to visit with the kids and it's really awesome and I think I might be kinda good at it.
There's a certificate thingie you get to be a dog trainer. Well, you can go all sciency and get like... masters degrees in animal behavior... but it's like Vet school and I don't think I'm smart enough for that or anything, but the certificate I think I could do. I sent the place an email to see if I could maybe work there or they think there's any place where I could work.
So please, please please can I leave Hawthorn CC and go do that instead? Pleeeeeasseeee?