Mass Email to Attendees
Thank you so much to everyone for coming to the pub crawl. It was so much fun to hang out with everyone!
Thank you so much to everyone for coming to the pub crawl. It was so much fun to hang out with everyone!
Dear Alex,
Thank you sosososososososososososososososososo much for helping Cat & Soph set up my whole party and stuff! It was so much fun. Thank you even more for all the awesome presents. They're the coolest stuff ever and I can't wait to make my nails so super cool!
Also, thank you for being the awesomest brother ever. I know sometimes it's prolly annoying to have your weird sister here, or, ya know, inside your apartment all the time but I hope I'm less annoying now than when I was little.
I love you
Dear Cat,
OMG! I think that's the mostest surprised I've ever been! I dunno how you kept it so secret and tricksy. I would've never ever been able to without giving it away! Everything was so so so amazing and I can't wait to hang out to do stuff and things with my present!
I'm really super glad the Universe made you come back to Hawthorn and made me come to Hawthorn so we can be friends.
Dear Cris,
Thank you for coming to my birthday. It wouldn't've been as much fun if I couldn't've pretended to be Tom and Jean-Ralphio (even if I think I'm banned from that bar where we made it rain, but that's okay because it was super swag and I cleaned it up so I don't even know why they're so mad!)
I totes framed the card to add to my collage wall and I'm even more totes wearing the shirt RIGHT NOW!
Dear Ellie,
I'm super excited you could make it to my party. And this sweater is BANANAS AMAZEBALLS AMAZING! It's so super comfy and warm plus when I'm in it I'm Pinkie Pie! Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye I'm totes wearing it right now and I have an awesome amazing mane and everypony is gonna know!
I hope we can hang out and tie dye stuff together soon!
Dear Jax,
I'm so super excited you came to my party to hang out. I think I maybe talked too much about the Masters, I think. It's a little fuzzy, LOL. That book was the best and I'm really excited to read the next one. I still don't get why more people don't know about this stuff because it's super important. I guess they prolly just don't think it's real, but it seems weird to just make that up, right? Okay, wait, this is a thank you note, so one time you should come over to talk about this stuff.
Dear Kath,
I'm super glad you could make it to dinner and come out for fun after. you're really nice and I really like hanging out with you. And I'm sososososo excited to eat all of these cookies (will they make my mouth rainbow? I hope they make my mouth rainbow). Plus now I'm gonna have such pretty flowers. Purple and yellow! I've never seen a dwarf sunflower, but I bet it's super pretty and cute. And the lavender is gonna smell so good that I won't even mind there being bees!
Thank you again for all the awesome presents! You'll have to come hang out and help me paint unicorn t-shirts and stuff!
Dear Charlie & Lyra,
I know the party stuff started really late, so I'm glad you guys came out even if it was just for part of it. It was so much fun to go out and party with everyone. Next time, I'll have to wear my new onesie 'cause it's for sure one of my new faves! Thanks for the scarf, too!
Dear Parker,
Dude! Unicorn Layla is the best ever and I have to paint a good enough frame so I can add it to my collage wall. Thank you so much for drawing it for me! Thank you also for the DVDs so that I never have to worry that they're gonna take MLP:FIM off netflix. You and Soph should come over and watch them all with me!
I hope it's soon 'cause I dunno how much time she spent working with Cat to plan everything, but I think that counts as stealing her from you and it wouldn't be nice to steal her more!
Dear Lil Cleetus,
Holy crap you're the bestest best friend EVER! How did you and Cat keep it a secret?! You guys are so super sneaky! But in a good way not a mean way. I think this might be the best birthday ever. Thank you so much for making it sososososososososososo awesome. And for making amazing unicorn cake pops (can we make them again? I told Parker you guys gotta come over to watch my new Pony DVDs so we should make them then!)
And then you got me gifts, too?!?! AWESOME AMAZING GIFTS SO IT CAN BE SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!
I love you!!!